
The Scout Troop is made up of of boys and girls from 10 1/2 to 14 years old. 

In the winter months (between mid-September and Easter) we meet at Cathedral House, St Thomas St, Old Portsmouth between 18:30-20:30hrs. We are a Sea Scout Troop and our uniform consists of a light blue shirt and the 1st Portsmouth black necker. Winter activities are generally focused on the traditional scout activities such as knot tying, camping, pioneering, fire lighting, walking, a range of boisterous games along with some sailing theory to prepare for the summer.

During the summer months the Scouts meet at The Boat House in Bath Square, Old Portsmouth on a Friday evening from 18:00- approx. 21:00hrs making the most of the lighter evenings and warmer weather. As Sea Scouts our Summer activities are focused around water activities. For summer evenings the Scouts need to come with a wetsuit, wetboots or old shoes, a towel and a change of clothes. Buoyancy aids (or life jackets where appropriate) and spray tops are provided although Scouts are welcome to bring their own subject to it being inspected for safety by a Scout leader. Summer activities run from the boat house include sailing, power boating and rowing